vertical coordinates

英 [ˈvɜːtɪkl kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪts] 美 [ˈvɜːrtɪkl koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪts]

网络  纵坐标; 垂直座标



  1. It is worth noticing how the y coordinate of the popUp window of the vertical menu button is converted from local to global coordinates in the last line of this code fragment.
  2. Vertical Tilt Correction for Vehicle License Plate Based on Minimizing Variance of Coordinates of Projection Points
  3. A network of horizontal and vertical lines that provide coordinates for locating points on an image.
  4. Specify if you want the series to be scaled to the left or right vertical axis. Numerical Simulation of Eletromagnetic Propagation Logging by FDTD in 3-D Cylindrical Coordinates
  5. A modified and improved primitive equation model with p-sigma incorporated vertical coordinates is used to simulate the climate properties in the summer monsoon area.
  6. Based on the ECOM-si ( estuarine coastal ocean model with semi implicit scheme), a three dimensional high resolution turbulent closure model of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea is established with σ coordinate in vertical direction and spherical coordinates in horizontal direction.
  7. In the paper, numerical studies of two-dimensional plane flow in orthonormal curvilinear coordinates and two-dimensional vertical flow and suspended sediment movement in σ coordinates have been conducted.
  8. Impact Study on the calculation of vertical velocity in different vertical coordinates
  9. The simulation results showed that the calculation of vertical velocity is sensitive to vertical coordinates. It is especially more evident when the resolution increased.
  10. Study on Precision of Intersection Point between Two Straight Lines through Equal Two Points in Horizontal or Vertical Coordinates
  11. The motion of a simple pendulum with varying length coupled with a vertical motion is investigated, the second-order differential equation set of the motion is obtained in terms of plane polar coordinates.
  12. The method first models the image deformation caused by the tilted film as a projection model, and makes use of CT and MRI sequence image rulers, both vertical and horizontal, to rectify the deformation and calculate a few user defined marker's relative coordinates;
  13. This paper expresses the change regulation of directional well track by establishing a mathematical model of well tracks and adopting the average angle method to program out true vertical depth, bottom coordinates and dogleg angle.